
  • 3-15 내용 이해 문제
    소설 읽기/엄마를 부탁해 Please look after Mom 2024. 3. 29. 08:47

    1. What prompted the family to draft a flyer?


    A) The disappearance of a family pet.

    B) A local community event.

    C) The disappearance of their mother.

    D) A family reunion announcement.

    Correct Answer: C


    2. Why was there confusion about Mom's birth year?


    A) The family had forgotten the date.

    B) Official records differed from her actual birth year.

    C) It was a family secret.

    D) The document was lost.

    Correct Answer: B


    3. What does the family remember about Mom's birthday celebrations?


    A) They were always held in Seoul.

    B) Mom preferred not to celebrate her birthday.

    C) They were elaborate events with many guests.

    D) Only Mom's birthday was celebrated, not Dad's.

    Correct Answer: B


    4. How did the family decide on a reward amount in the flyer?


    A) They agreed on the first amount suggested.

    B) They thought no reward was necessary.

    C) After several suggestions, they settled on five million won.

    D) They left the reward amount blank.

    Correct Answer: C


    5. What was the family's reaction to Mom's dislike of getting her picture taken?


    A) They respected her wishes and did not include a photo in the flyer.

    B) They decided to use an old photo.

    C) They struggled to find a recent picture that resembled her current appearance.

    D) They hired a sketch artist to create an image of Mom.

    Correct Answer: C


    6. How does the narrative describe Mom's efforts in preparing food for the family?


    A) As a tedious obligation.

    B) As an enjoyable hobby.

    C) As a factory-like production for the family.

    D) As something she did reluctantly.

    Correct Answer: C


    7. What change occurred in the way the family celebrated Mom and Dad's birthdays over time?


    A) They stopped celebrating birthdays altogether.

    B) They began celebrating both birthdays on the same day.

    C) They moved the celebrations from Chongup to Seoul.

    D) Celebrations became more extravagant.

    Correct Answer: B




    1. 가족이 전단지를 만들게 된 계기는 무엇인가요?


    A) 가족의 애완동물이 사라졌기 때문입니다.

    B) 지역 사회 행사 때문입니다.

    C) 엄마가 사라졌기 때문입니다.

    D) 가족 모임 공지를 위해서입니다.

    정답: C


    2. 엄마의 출생 연도에 대한 혼란이 왜 발생했나요?


    A) 가족이 날짜를 잊어버렸기 때문입니다.

    B) 공식 기록이 실제 출생 연도와 달랐기 때문입니다.

    C) 가족의 비밀이었습니다.

    D) 문서가 분실되었습니다.

    정답: B


    3. 가족은 엄마의 생일 축하에 대해 어떻게 기억하나요?


    A) 항상 서울에서 열렸습니다.

    B) 엄마는 자신의 생일을 축하하고 싶어하지 않았습니다.

    C) 많은 손님과 함께하는 화려한 행사였습니다.

    D) 엄마의 생일만 축하했고 아빠의 생일은 축하하지 않았습니다.

    정답: B

    4. 가족이 전단지의 보상금 액수를 어떻게 결정했나요?


    A) 제안된 첫 금액에 동의했습니다.

    B) 보상금이 필요 없다고 생각했습니다.

    C) 몇 가지 제안 끝에 5백만 원으로 결정했습니다.

    D) 보상금 액수를 비워두었습니다.

    정답: C


    5. 엄마가 사진 찍히는 것을 싫어한 것에 대한 가족의 반응은 어떻습니까?


    A) 엄마의 바람을 존중하여 전단지에 사진을 넣지 않기로 했습니다.

    B) 오래된 사진을 사용하기로 결정했습니다.

    C) 엄마의 현재 모습과 비슷하게 보일 최근 사진을 찾는 데 어려움을 겪었습니다.

    D) 스케치 아티스트를 고용해 엄마의 이미지를 만들었습니다.

    정답: C


    6. 가족을 위한 음식 준비에 대한 엄마의 노력을 내러티브는 어떻게 묘사하나요?


    A) 지루한 의무로 묘사합니다.

    B) 즐거운 취미로 묘사합니다.

    C) 가족을 위한 공장처럼 생산적인 활동으로 묘사합니다.

    D) 마지못해 하는 것으로 묘사합니다.

    정답: C


    7. 시간이 지나면서 엄마와 아빠의 생일을 어떻게 축하하는 방식이 변했나요?


    A) 생일 축하를 전혀 하지 않게 되었습니다.

    B) 두 생일을 같은 날에 축하하기 시작했습니다.

    C) 축하 행사를 충주에서 서울로 옮겼습니다.

    D) 축하가 더 화려해졌습니다.

    정답: B




















    1. What prompted the family to draft a flyer?

    A) The disappearance of a family pet.

    B) A local community event.

    C) The disappearance of their mother.

    D) A family reunion announcement.


    2. Why was there confusion about Mom's birth year?

    A) The family had forgotten the date.

    B) Official records differed from her actual birth year.

    C) It was a family secret.

    D) The document was lost.


    3. What does the family remember about Mom's birthday celebrations?

    A) They were always held in Seoul.

    B) Mom preferred not to celebrate her birthday.

    C) They were elaborate events with many guests.

    D) Only Mom's birthday was celebrated, not Dad's.


    4. How did the family decide on a reward amount in the flyer?

    A) They agreed on the first amount suggested.

    B) They thought no reward was necessary.

    C) After several suggestions, they settled on five million won.

    D) They left the reward amount blank.


    5. What was the family's reaction to Mom's dislike of getting her picture taken?

    A) They respected her wishes and did not include a photo in the flyer.

    B) They decided to use an old photo.

    C) They struggled to find a recent picture that resembled her current appearance.

    D) They hired a sketch artist to create an image of Mom.


    6. How does the narrative describe Mom's efforts in preparing food for the family?

    A) As a tedious obligation.

    B) As an enjoyable hobby.

    C) As a factory-like production for the family.

    D) As something she did reluctantly.


    7. What change occurred in the way the family celebrated Mom and Dad's birthdays over time?

    A) They stopped celebrating birthdays altogether.

    B) They began celebrating both birthdays on the same day.

    C) They moved the celebrations from Chongup to Seoul.

    D) Celebrations became more extravagant.





    '소설 읽기 > 엄마를 부탁해 Please look after Mom' 카테고리의 다른 글

    3-15 어휘  (0) 2024.03.28
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